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Essaouira : A Mosaic of History and Harmony

EEssaouira, the gem of the Moroccan coast, beckons with its ESSAOUIRA CITY charm and rich ESSAOUIRA ACCOMMODATIONS. This city, a harmonious blend of history and culture, invites visitors to explore its storied past.

The Ancient Crossroads

Once known as Mogador, Essaouira’s origins trace back to the Phoenician traders who sought the precious purple dye of the murex shell. The city’s strategic location made it a crossroads for SURF TRIPS and SURF ACTIVITIES, drawing merchants from across the ancient world.

A Fortress of Cultures

The Mogador fortress, a remnant of Portuguese ingenuity, stands as a testament to Essaouira’s multicultural heritage. It’s a place where KITESURF LESSONS and WINGFOIL COACHING blend with historical exploration, attracting a diverse crowd of history enthusiasts and water sports aficionados alike.

The Sultan’s Vision

Sultan Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah’s vision turned Essaouira into a thriving port, a beacon for FUN ACTIVITIES like HORSEBACK RIDINGCAMEL RIDE, and DONKEY RIDE. His collaboration with French architect Théodore Cornut laid the foundations for a city that would become a hub for SURF LESSONS and KITESURF RENTAL.

Once non-divers sees the amazing world underwater, they’ll get a better understanding your obsession and why it’s so important to protect the ocean. Snorkeling is very useful when taking non-divers out to experience the underwater world. This is especially if they are not completely comfortable with actual diving.

The Winds of Change

Through the ages, Essaouira has embraced change, becoming a sanctuary for artists and musicians. The Gnaoua World Music Festival is a modern reflection of this, a place where eFOIL RENTAL and STAND UP PADDLE RENTAL meet the melodies of history.

Essaouira Today: A Living Legacy

Today, Essaouira is not only a UNESCO World Heritage site but also a vibrant center for WATERSPORTS SCHOOL and SURF SKATE. Its well-preserved medina and bustling port continue to tell the tales of its rich past, while CANOE-KAYAK RENTAL and QUAD RIDE offer modern ways to experience the city’s enduring spirit.

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On the ground floor, this room features traditional Moroccan décor and is wheelchair accessible, with a private bathroom including a large shower.


On the ground floor, this room features traditional Moroccan décor and is wheelchair accessible, with a private bathroom including a large shower.


Ces chambres allient un style contemporain épuré à une touche orientale. Les tons chauds, les salles de bain luxueuses en Tadelakt ou en marbre de Carrare.